With 450 acres of mostly wooded landscape set against a backdrop of high cliffs, deep ravines and three creeks, it’s easy to see why many of the folks who traverse the trio of trails in French Creek Reservation don’t think of it as physical fitness. 

But for those who do, there’s plenty of ways to get your steps in at your own pace.

“With 4.5 miles of the most forested trails in Lorain County, you’re not likely to run out of walking room,” says Bev Walborn, outdoor experiences manager for Lorain County Metro Parks.

Each trail sports specific attributes. The Big Woods Trail offers a 1.5-mile gravel loop and a shorter .75-mile extension. The one-half-mile Sugar Creek Trail is made up of natural wood chips, and the Nature Center Trail splits into a one-tenth-mile asphalt walkway and a one-half-mile asphalt path. 

No matter what route visitors choose, Walborn recommends they climb the 28-step stairway adjacent to the Nature Center for a stunning view of French Creek below.

“At this time of year, keep an eye out for the screech, barred or great horned owls that spend the winter with us in the reservation’s oak, walnut and cottonwood trees,” Walborn says. 

French Creek Reservation
4530 Colorado Ave., Sheffield Village
440-949-5200 • loraincountymetroparks.com